spandcompany stamps

spandcompany stamps

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Project Life

I have discovered Project Life! I didn't know what all the hub-bub was about but now I have a better understanding and I'm hooked!! I started my 2014 album last night!! I'm so excited to get pictures printed and get caught up on the past 10-12 years of memories! It's gonna be a fortune in photos lol but it will be so worth it. I tend to take pictures then never get them developed. But now with the ability to order prints straight from my phone, I have NO EXCUSE! I have been watching Samantha's (sp&co) videos on her PL process and all the different apps that she uses. So awesome! The "Collect" app really comes in handy! I don't have to worry about dates and with the caption, I can remember what was happening! This is definitely the way for me to scrapbook. I absolutely love traditional scrapbook layouts, but I spend way too much time on them trying to decide what materials to use (ribbon, die cuts, patterns, etc.) Y'all know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. With PL, I don't have to worry about that. And I can still insert a traditional layout if I want. I don't plan on doing the full weekly layout like a lot of people do. Mine will be a mix of whatever is going on, whenever I have pics to show. But I am going to try to stay current on it. Hopefully every week, but I may have to miss a week here and there. As far as the catching up....not sure where to start there.... Should I go backward? 2013, 2012, 2011, etc. or forward from 2002/2003? Hmmmmmmmm...... Well, here's what I've started with :) And yes, that is a picture of Gatorade and Puffs tissue. The point it to document "everyday life" and for a few days...I wasn't feeling so well haha! I'm linking up to Sp&co's blog at! Come check it out!


  1. Hi Christina, I too have been inspired by the scrapmaster and am starting my PL adventure! I love how it makes it easier to document life but how the pages still remain unique and creative. Love the doggy pics!

    1. It's all I think about lol!! Like you said, I love the simplicity but it still has a uniqueness. :) I tend to have more pics of my animals than of my kid. THEY STAY STILL FOR THE CAMERA! LOL Thanks for checking out my progress :)
