spandcompany stamps

spandcompany stamps

Monday, December 28, 2015

Winter Cleaning!!!

Wow! I was watching my "2015 Goals" video that I posted last year... My craft room was a mess then too! I did get it cleaned up and organized somewhat. But soon let it get out of control again. Over the summer I found a huge leak in the ceiling and had to shove everything into boxes in corners to make way for the repairs. I've started crafting in the dining area because I just don't want to be in my craft room. We moved to a bigger apartment so that I could have a room for crafting and not using it is just not conducive. I'm on vacation this week so I'm cleaning away!! I woke up early Saturday and did some housework. We babysat my niece & nephew after church so the rest of the evening was spent relaxing. Sunday morning I got up and started cleaning bathrooms. My determination must have rubbed off because my husband got out of bed and started cleaning the kitchen! After feeling accomplished we sat down and enjoyed the day together in the living room. When I got up this morning, I started the last load of laundry, vacuumed the apartment then tidied up in the kitchen (dishes from hubby cooking dinner) After taking a break to eat some breakfast, I stood up and opened my craft room door {{{insert scary music here}}}. Once I started, it started to go pretty quick! You may not be able to tell by these pics, but I made A LOT of progress. I can now see my desk(most of it) and I can walk all the way around it. I can also see the counter under the window!! I'm not sure if I'm going to continue or pick it back up tomorrow. I should probably just continue. But at least I've started! I hope everyone is having a great day! It's cold and snowy/icy here.

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